
The book is based on a several year period of consumer studies for major corporations across the globe. It features case studies of the author’s work interviewing consumers in their homes and using his observations to create hypotheses as to why they use products the way that they do. Seemingly insignificant behavioral observations containing very specific attributes pointing towards an unmet customer need. Small data is the foundation for break through ideas or completely new ways to turnaround brands.

Martin Lindstrom, a modern-day Sherlock Holmes, harnesses the power of “small data” in his quest to discover the next big thing. Hired by the world’s leading brands to find out what makes their customers tick, Martin Lindstrom spends 300 nights a year in strangers’ homes, carefully observing every detail in order to uncover their hidden desires and, ultimately, the clues to a multimillion-dollar product. Lindstrom connects the dots in this globetrotting narrative that will enthrall enterprising marketers as well as anyone with a curiosity about the endless variations of human behavior.
You’ll learn…

  • How a noise reduction headset at 35,000 feet led to the creation of Pepsi’s new trademarked signature sound.
  • How a worn-down sneaker discovered in the home of an 11-year-old German boy led to LEGO’s incredible turnaround.
  • How a magnet found on a fridge in Siberia resulted in a US supermarket revolution.
  • How a toy stuffed bear in a girl’s bedroom helped revolutionize a fashion retailer’s 1,000 stores in 20 different countries.
  • How an ordinary bracelet helped Jenny Craig increase customer loyalty by 159 percent in less than a year.
  • How the ergonomic layout of a car dashboard led to the redesign of the Roomba vacuum.

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